About E. Hughes (Author, WI)

E. Hughes (the original) is the author of Time and  Multi-Universe: A philosophy of time and time travel (2022) , Reality Unbound: The Digital Mind (and the nature of reality)  2024, Space, Time, and Loneliness: A poetry chapbook (2024), and Sixth Iteration, a science-fiction novel (2021). E. Hughes is a novelist and writer of more than twenty-five years and has over twenty published works in multiple genres from fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and children’s books to date. Her latest offering also includes Digital Smiles, a poetry chapbook released in February 2024. Hughes is also the author of, Starting Your First Patio Garden: A Coffee Table Book, the Penelope children’s books series, fiction novels Disappear, Love, A Mediterranean Romance, Business as Usual, Infatuation, The Sapphire Chronicles, Hello (a screenplay), Beyond the Plain, and other works (not including pseudonymous works). Hughes is also an avid observer of cultural and societal idiosyncrasies.

In addition to a decades-long career in writing, the focus of her career has been in education, publishing, and marketing. From 2012 – 2018, Hughes taught publishing and marketing in Madison, Wisconsin at Madison College and as an instructor at University of Wisconsin’s Writers’ Institute in 2017. Hughes continues her work with hundreds of writers across the United States as well as writers abroad in Canada, the United Kingdom, and other parts of Europe, and Africa as President and Executive Publisher of a national publishing brand. Note: See E. Hughes advice for up-and-coming authors -(click here) 

E. Hughes was born in 1974. She has previously lived in Chicago, Las Vegas, NV, and on the west coast, but spends most of her time in the Midwest where she writes and publishes fiction novels, nonfiction, and children’s books. Her love of writing began at the age of 8 years-old after winning a poetry contest. She knew then that she had the writing bug and would grow up to become a writer. Hughes was even more inspired after a seating next to Dr. Maya Angelou and meeting Gwendolyn Brooks, among many other notable authors in 1999 at a writer’s conference in Chicago. Listening to Dr. Angelou, who was the keynote speaker of the evening was the highlight of her college years. Hughes would later accomplish her goal in 2003 with the launch of Screenwritersdaily and the release of her first poetry book, Beyond the Plain. She would eventually release her second book, an award-winning collection of short stories the same year, followed by twenty more novels and books in the years to come.

Her focus over the years as a hobby has been in animation and film, eventually moving into live action feature films, working with Crystal Diane Stevens of Organized Criminal (click here) as an associate producer. Ms. Hughes began a screenwriting career in earnest, working as a ghost writer for several film projects, eventually launching Screenwritersdaily in 2003 during the height of the screenwriting era. 

In 2010, Hughes released an experimental animated project one of the first commercially released feature-length  “Machinima”  animated movies on the market at the time. (Machinima uses real-time video game rendering technology to animate movies). E. Hughes is also an avid gardener, painter, and hobbyist jewelry designer. She is a spouse and mother to four adult children.

Beyond literature and film, special education has also been a cause near to her heart. She has previously worked in K-12 special education at her area school district and also previously in management at United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) of Greater Dane for 0-3 special education serving Dane County where she handled county referrals to the Birth to 3, wrote procedures and processes for the program, enforced and demonstrated expert knowledge and compliance with FERPA laws, HIPAA laws, and Wisconsin Administrative Code DHS 90, among other responsibilities related to management, collection and analysis of data, and database administration. Hughes retired from her role in the education sector in 2018. Her experience in the education sector and her love, overall adoration, and hopeful worldview for children inspired her to write her Penelope children’s books, the first of which was published in 2019. She no longer teaches publishing and publishes books for authors world-wide.

I sincerely hope that you enjoy your visit to my personal website and that you have learned more about my artistic, creative, and nonfiction works. 

Statement from E. Hughes: 

“My personal and professional journey has led me to understand that there is no greater service that I can provide as a human being than helping other people. This is neither a religious nor a political doctrine, but what I feel is a more humanitarian approach to life. Above all, treating others with respect, dignity, and kindness is intrinsic to accomplishing this goal. I have made a personal commitment to following a path that will allow me to bridge my professional and philosophical worlds. Integrity, honesty, compassion and empathy for others are core values for me.” 

E. Hughes (E. Brauner-Hughes) on IMDB

( http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3900799/ )


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